Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blog #9-Final Project Brainstorm

We have absolutely been exposed to many different forms of media since the beginning of this class. We've learned how to make wiki pages, public service announcements, remixes, and I blogged for the first time at the beginning of this class. I really had a fun time with all of them, and in addition, every single project i've done in this class has been something completely new i'd never tried before. Looking into the future with the final project coming up, I'm not yet sure what I'd like to do. I know that all aspects of media interest me, but I'd like to go more in depth. The remix project was a really cool new media I liked. Maybe I'd like to pursue something with a remix project again, only with more detail or more in depth with different sources (different and more audio and visual). I do think an aspect of media that I'm very interested in is radio. Really more so, any medium in which I can speak, because I have a lot to say, and I think if I channel that into something beneficial for class, I could present a really well done project. I really did like the PSA for that specific reason. Perhaps I could do something for a final that relates to a PSA, possibly including video as well, just to make it even more visually stimulating. One more idea I can think of right now is something with photography. I've never been very good with photographs, but it has always been something that sparks an interest, that I could enjoy looking into. All in all, I'm not too sure yet what I would like accomplish with this project, because there are so many choices, but I think that when it starts becoming a topic we discuss in class, a lot of ideas will spark from hearing other student's ideas.

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